5 kickass Jason Todd moments

The world of superheroes can sometimes be seriously dark and sick (as anyone who watched the first season of Jessica Jones can attest). A couple of months ago, I mentioned how the version of Jason Todd, the second Robin, introduced in the late eighties, after Crisis on Infinite Earths, had such a bad rep that comic fans actually voted by phone to have him beaten to death in Ethiopia. Ah, comic fans.

Me, I don’t think the kid was all bad. In fact, some creators did a pretty swell job with the new Boy Wonder. Hell, even Jim Starlin gave him a few chances to shine before killing him off! Here are five instances of post-Crisis Jason Todd kicking tail like nobody’s business:

A couple of Two-Face’s twin henchmen…

Batman #410Batman #410

Two members of a gang of cat burglars…

detective comics #569 detective comics #569 Detective Comics #569

The Scarecrow…

Batman 415Batman #415

A group of British hitmen, on Christmas day…

detective comics 572Detective Comics #572

A disturbing reminder that some ugly stereotypes have sadly been around for a long time…

Batman #420Batman #420Batman #420Batman #420

NEXT: Dogs.

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2 Responses to 5 kickass Jason Todd moments

  1. OverMaster says:

    I’m sure everybody who has been a victim of a suicidal terrorist will be relieved to know none of that was true, it was just an ugly stereotype.

    • I.M. Baytor says:

      As with everything else, just because something has happened, it doesn’t mean it can’t be turned into a stereotype, especially an ugly one (i.e. hurtful to many other people who had nothing to do with it)

      Still, I like the way Jim Aparo nailed his expression of ‘Oh shit, I’m gonna be kicked by a kid with no pants!’

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